Saturday, January 5, 2019

Orthoceras Gemstone

Orthoceras Gemstone  | India Gems

Country of Origin: Morocco

General information: The name "orthoceras" means that "straight horn" and refers to the creature's long conical shell. Orthoceras Fossils originate to the period Age, over four hundred million years past. they're ancestors to the trendy day squid. because the Orthoceras died their shells accumulated upon the ocean floor. Eventually they were coated by layers of sediments and converted into stones/fossils over the ages. 

Orthoceras Gemstone | India Gems

Physical Properties: throughout the geological period geological era, concerning 350 millions years past, the Orthoceras, reaching a length of over 6 feet, swam in an Ocean that coated the area. when death, their shells were preserved within the black marble.

Orthoceras Gemstone | India Gems

Metaphysical properties: Fossils are believed to extend lifetime, reduce toxins, anxiety, stress, balance the emotions, build an additional confident. Containing supernatural and physical healing powers. They promote a way of pride and success in business. Healers use fossils to boost telepathy and stimulate the mind. historically, fossils are used to aid in  reducing tiredness, fatigue, digestive disorders, and rheumatism. Orthoceras Fossils work best on the root chakra.

if you want to purchase Orthoceras Gemstone Jewelry then Visit :
india gems

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